“””Story of Love”””


When we fall in love,
World seems like heaven.
Life starts singing & dancing,
And everything looks beautiful 24 by 7.

We always seek for the chances,
To talk to our beloved.
We also try to impress them,
And just want to be loved.

We feel at the top of the world,
And we say that we are in love.
But do we really know at this moment,
What is the actual meaning of love?

As the time passes,
Talks and meetings increase.
We come to know each other,
And all the hesitations cease.

We know each other’s good & bad,
And come to know the difference between us.
But we don’t like it and fight,
And start creating a fuss.

We just put objection on each other,
And then we forget to love.
We just keep fighting,
And we don’t rise above.

The relationship starts sinking,
And it is the moment to understand.
We need to save the relation,
Otherwise it will slip out of hand.

Then we realize what love is,
It’s about seeing good in bad.
It’s about accepting each other’s flaws,
We should respect the differences & not go mad.

If everybody realizes this,
World will again seem like heaven.
Relations will last forever,
And life will look beautiful 24 by 7.

Thank You
